Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Uitgangs-taal Engels, Albanees
Doel-taal Engels, Albanees


Resultaten 1 - 6 van ongeveer 6
Engels Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia
Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia. Serbian is my favourite foreign language: Ä° speak it well and Ä° got the B1 at the University of Belgrade.
The unnamed extra language İ requested, is Belarussian (Беларуская). / Неназваная дадатковая мова, якую я прасіў, — беларуская.

B1 is a level from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, you can see more about it on Wikipedia:

Aangevraagde vertalingen
Albanees Albanees
Engels Not dead ? ! ?
A backend update for cucumis !

Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.

First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).

Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.

And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.

Happy 2019 to all of you!

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Pas mort ? ! ?
Deens Ikke død ? ! ?
Zweeds Inte död ? ! ?
Aangevraagde vertalingen
Albanees Albanees
Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Albanees Mire jeni ju
Mire jeni ju
american english

Aangevraagde vertalingen
Engels Engels
Engels Clinical evaluation of internal axial wall...
In the fabrication of casting post and core or inlay the line angle of the cavity floor can be seen even when the internal axial walls are parallel or slightly convergent. It is conceivable that more sighted distance will be required for internal axial walls evaluation compared with external axial walls evaluation. The aim of the study is to derive a practical and convenient method and data for the evaluation of the divergent angle of internal axial walls.
Clinical evaluation of internal axial wall divergence in inlays and casting post-and-core fabrication - Journal of Dental Sciences

Gemaakte vertalingen
Braziliaans Portugees Avaliação clínica da parede interna do eixo...
Aangevraagde vertalingen
Albanees Albanees
Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Albanees Murr pak koh met shkru se jum kon pak i nxonen me...
Murr pak koh met shkru se jum kon pak i nxonen me pun.

Perfect shum mir Qe i paske hala fotot edhe un i kam do Po dashta mi pas edhe ato bashk qe i kemi..

mir ktu senet nier jan, un hala jam ktu tu prit qit status mi regullu duhet me perfundu gjate vitit qe vjen shpresoj.

Ti Qysh po kalon, a je kon pushim veres najka? tashti ja nis mu bo ftoft anej nasha duhesh mi kosoderu ni pushim naj vend t nxeht maybe hehe

Okay, Kalo sa ma mir ti e folim apet na nderkoh

Per ata kum ni, Shnosh so funi botes.
Please translate? Thank you so much.
Also, speaker is from kosovar if that helps

Aangevraagde vertalingen
Engels Engels
Albanees Kenga e nuses
Bije nuse sec mu bere.
Shpirt o zemr e nenes o....
Te djelen ti c´u martove!
Me le nen´ dhe baben o....

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!

Ballin e bukur ta puthi.
Nja dy fjal´ moj sec ti tha!
Te kisha cup´ edhe djale
moter moj edhe vella!

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!

Malli shum´ do te me marre!
Deren e ke hapur o....
T´me vish me niper e mbesa
Te ma gezosh shpirtin o....

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!

Vellon c´ta hodhi mamaja
Faqeve c´u derdhen lot!
Kur u rrite kaq moj bije?!
Qe po nuseron ti sot!
I found these lyrics, but I would like to make sure they are lyrics from "Kenga e nuses" (the song by Refat Sulejmani). I'll post a video from this song in the discussion area.

British or American English

Gemaakte vertalingen
Macedonisch Песната на невестата
Aangevraagde vertalingen
Engels Engels